30 March 2011

Sweet baby smiles.

Hi there, all!

Bebe sessions bring us an enormous amount of joy at the studio . . . this little guy just came in with his mom and grammie and we almost died over how cute and personable he was. His big grin and giggles had us ooo-ing and ahh-ing for his entire session and everyone at the studio got a hug. Seriously, it really doesn't get much better than that!

We hope a glimpse of his portraits (oh, those rosy cheeks!) brings a smile to your day!


(P.S. If you're interested in learning more about our photography of infants and children, visit the website and call us at the studio- 603.626.7300).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.M.G. I just love my little man! Everyone is going crazy over his pictures! Thank you so much Jeff for helping us show-off his amazing smile and personality!! You guys are the BEST! See you soon :)
