06 July 2011

Capturing the unexpected moments of a wedding.

Just before vacation, I was browsing through a wedding from last summer for a studio project. I laughed out loud when I discovered a moment captured by Jeff and Carolle- a tiny flower girl sprawled on the floor of the aisle, smack dab in the middle of the ring ceremony.

I thought back to a story I heard once from a pastor: while presiding over a wedding in which his 4-year old was the ring bearer, he witnessed his son slowly crumble from standing upright with the groomsmen to using the ring pillow as a seat cushion. And then to resting his little head on the altar. Whoops. I began thinking, we all look for specific wedding moments- the groom's expression at the first sight of his bride, the kiss, the cutting of the cake. But what about the other moments, the unexpected, spur of the moment events that occur throughout the day? Thus began my quest through our wedding archives!

My findings were fantastic. Our clients are obviously full of personality and unafraid to show their senses of humor. All of the snippets, easily overlooked by guests or the wedding party, are now captured forever in lovely photographs. Can you imagine missing these? Here's a look at some fun moments from the last few years.

I, for one, am really stoked to check out the weddings from this season to see what little glimpses Jeff and Carolle catch this year.

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